Monday, June 4, 2012

Easy Monogrammed Burlap

Anyone been down the Target home aisle lately? (You know you have, and if you haven't...something is wrong with you) During a recent (frequent) trip to my local Target I saw that they have a new line of burlap decor items, and one of the concepts looked so easy anyone could do it. So, why not me! I decided for the first attempt to try a letter, my favorite letter of course, "A".

 Here's an easy tutorial for all y'all Target lovers. Wait, that is everyone right? I mean, who doesn't obsess over Target? Ok, that's what I thought.

Here's what you need:
Old frame
Mod Podge
Tape (or paper and exact-o knife)
Foam brush

 1. Start with whatever frame you choose, paint it whatever color you fancy.

2. Cut your burlap to fit the size of the frame. (It wont be perfect, that's ok) *For any of you who don't know how to cut burlap. Let me give you a little run down. Decide where you want to cut the burlap, pull a strand of it out, and cut along that open line. See below:

3. Spread out Mod Podge against the entire back part of the frame, lay down your burlap where you want it, and spread Mod Podge back over that.

 4. Close up frame and cut off any excess burlap. Allow Mod Podge to dry before painting. 

 5. This took some skill. You can do this 2 ways; You could tape off whatever letter, number, symbol that you want, OR you could exact-o knife a piece of paper in whatever shape, word, symbol you'd like. Similar to the stencil I did on the record player.
Since I was doing a fairly easy shape, I decided to go with the tape.

6. Using a FOAM brush, I dabbed the paint onto the burlap. *Be very careful to dab, not brush, because the tape didn't want to stick to the burlap very well and you'll find your self painting outside the lines like 1st grade all over again. :) 

Aaaaand your done!
I wanted to hang mine up with some cool wire, but couldn't find the perfect adhesive, so for now it's just hanging by a nail.
*As always, check out my Etsy shop if your interested in buying one for yourself!  

Ps- You know you love my vintage retro craft room tabletop, don't you! 

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