Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Can I get a hot tub?? and the Corn, Potato and Broccoli Chowder Recipe

 Annddd.... Can I get a hot tub?? 
Anybody else noticed that Danny (the captured brother) from Revolution is the "Can I get a hot tub" kid from the State Farm commercials?? 
Ruin it for you? Yea, me too.

I made this today, and it was fan-hot tubin'-tastic. Your turn!
Corn, Potato and Broccoli Chowder

What you need:
2 cups chopped potato
2.5 cups frozen corn (or canned)
1.5 cups frozen broccoli
.5 cup chopped onion
3 cups water
2 cups warm heavy whipping cream
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp water
onion powder

What to do:
Bring 3 cups water to boil
Add potatoes, corn, onion, broccoli- Cook until potatoes are tender
Mix 1 tbsp water and 1 tbsp flour
Add flour mixture and whipping cream to pot
Add salt, pepper and onion power to taste
Bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes
Lower and let simmer for however long you want!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Facebook for AmberLAnderson!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share with all of you that our Facebook page has officially opened for our Etsy shop AmberLAnderson. If you haven't, and you wanna, head over and give us a "like"! We will be keeping everyone updated if new products come out, giveaways, or any other deals we are giving out! If you do "like" us, shoot me a message, and I will send you a 15% off coupon code to use in our Etsy shop! Click below to take you to our new page.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hardwood Project Part. 2

I wanted to give an update on the hardwood project I talked about a few months ago. Here's a recap: After living in this house since February of 2011, I have despised my carpets. They were cheap, light gray and stained. Every single time I vacuumed them, so much fuzz came up that my vacuum would jam, and they were impossible to clean. So after saving up some money, Sam and I decided we were going to put laminate down. It wasn't exactly what we wanted but Titus was starting to crawl and we had to do something. In measuring our square footage Sam decided to take a peek underneath the carpet, and what did we find? Beautiful oak hardwood. Ok, so come to find out it wasn't so beautiful...but the sheer fact that it was under there was.
So with the little money we had saved up we decided to refinish them. This was a back and forth struggle of whether we were going to attempt to do it ourselves, or just pay to have it done. In the end, we decided it was best to pay, and that way we would know it was done right. So that's what we did. Our re-finishers were fast, quick and fairly priced. (Around $2.50/sq ft. sanded, stained and finished)
Its AMAZING what a little hardwood can do in a house. 
Prayers answered.

 Next up, the yellow room is turning Tiffany blue :) And I'm working on some crazy cool curtains. I'll update when they are done!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Small talk.

Can anyone relate?
It's been more often than not lately that I find myself struggling to remember how normal adults converse in a social outing. Whats appropraite to talk about, whats not. Any of us find ourselves filling social time with talk of the babies?
Your not alone.

But thank you God, for my new social status, wouldn't trade these babies for world.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Homemade Pickles, y'all!

As you know from an earlier post my family came to visit at the beginning of the month. And you know what that meant? Food. And lots of it. I got a great recipe from my sweet southern sister, that is sure to please all you pickle lovers out there! (You know how I love your cooking, Sylv, and I'm allowed to call you "southern" because I'm a bona fide "northerner" now!)

Sea Salt
Peel your cucumber and chop them up into 1/2" slices

 let them soak in vinegar, salt and pepper for about 20 minutes
or longer depending on how tart you like them.

Drain and chill.
Yum yum. Perfect hot summer day snack.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

DIY Workout Tank

Even though my Zumba classes ended last week, 
I've been looking for things to lounge work out in.
Unfortunately, the spandex UnderAmour shirts aren't my best look,
so I decided to go another direction.
The DIY workout tee. 
*It works best with the softer material shirts, 
but plain tees work ok too. (Like the one I have pictured)
What you need:
 Step 1: Cut out neck, sleeves and bottom hem.
 Step 2: Cut the back of the shirt into a razorback.
 Step 3: Make sure you cut the neckline as low as you want it.
Step 4: Cut out a deep V in the back of the shirt.
 Step 5: Tie the back of of shirt, where you make the V, 
with the bottom hem that was left over.
 Step 6: Wrap up the back with the fabric, as high as you would like to go.

All done, party rock in your new lounge work out shirt. ;)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

And the winner is....

According to our input into, the winner of our giveaway is....

Hannah Grantham

Congrats for winning the wall planter, and thanks so much for sharing it on all of your accounts! I am so thankful for all my readers! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This Just In! Wall Planter Giveaway!

My Etsy shop just got a fun face lift, with a new fancy-schmancy banner from Danielle Burkleo
I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway to show it off a bit...
I'm giving away a favorite product, my Mason Jar Wall Planter! 
These are my best sellers in my Etsy store. Over 9,000 views and 1,300 admirers!
Giveaway will begin today and end on Friday, July 13th.
The winner will win 1 Mason Jar Wall Planter/Hanger, shipped to an address of your choice!

How to enter:
1. You have 4 options! You will get an entry for each one
 that you choose to do:
Tweet my shop on your Twitter,
Share my shop on your Facebook, 
Pin the above picture to your Pinterest,
Post the above photo to your Instagram.
  2. Leave a comment with your name and the links to where you shared it.
(i.e your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram)
3. And last, you can follow my blog, or favorite my Etsy shop if you fancy!
I'm so excited to give one of these away, its always fun to win something! 
*Valid for US only. No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited. 
(That sounds serious, huh?)
Winner will be picked at random via

The Seals came to Michigan.

Last week, my parents, my sister, brother-in-law and nephews came to visit us!
I was sooo happy to show them where I live.
Here's some photos from the week.

Friday, July 6, 2012

DIY Lamp Shade Revamp

Raise your hand if every lamp shade in your house is cream, beige, tan, or white.
Perfect! This is for you. 
It's 2 steps, and can be done in 5 minutes. Ready?

What you need:
Old lamp shade
Spray paint
Plastic bag

1. Tape off the top with any type of tape and a plastic grocery bag.

2.  Spray lamp shade in even coats until completely covered.

*Tips* To check if you have enough coats: Replace shade and turn on the lamp. The shade will be slightly splotchy if you need another coat.  Also, I suggest a lighter color paint so splotchy spots are minimized and light can come through better.
I also suggest doing this the first time with a shade you aren't necessarily in love with in case spraying goes astray. :) Better safe than sorry! 

Friday, June 29, 2012


Anyone else find themselves cooking (and eating!) more these past few weeks with all the barbecues and birthdays? Within the past month, I think I’ve been to more birthday parties, showers, weddings and cookouts than ever in my life. And with all these celebrations comes food, and lots of it. Almost every time I left one, I've said to myself, I have GOT to get that recipe! So I’ve come up with a $3 solution for any us out there needing a quick fix to a recipe holder.

Here’s what you’ll need:
Paper box 
(they have these in the $1 section of Target literally every time I go, always different patterns)
Index Cards
Colored Card stock
Toilet paper roll

1. Simply cut your card stock to fit the box, and to hang over the top of the index cards, just enough to see their section. And label each one with your desired sections.

2. Divide your index cards throughout your sections.

3. Insert the toilet paper roll to help support your cards and your done! (If you have a lot of cards, you not even need the toilet paper roll.