Friday, December 30, 2011


Moms Against Mini-Vans, I used to be a founding member.

If any of you know me well enough, you know I never, ever wanted to have I thought if I ever had 2 kids, I would just have 2 car seats in a row in a regular car, or if I had more I thought I would just go grab a brand new Tahoe whenever I needed one. I can just hear Sam laughing out loud as I type at the thought of that one. These are two of many misconceptions of people without kids. Granted, I do know families that can make a regular car work. But if your anything like our family, two car seats, a double stroller, 4 suitcases, 2 pack and plays and enough diapers to patch the Hoover Dam, just don't quite fit in the trunk on a road trip. So in a recent month of alot of traveling, and despite my pleads of an SUV (gas would have killed our Dave Ramsey abiding budget), Sam and I were forced 
I almost couldn't even admit it to my bf Jessica, who if I remember correctly responded with some sort of "Amber, oh no". Partially because she knows how much I didn't want one and partially because she was probably thinking, "Am I old enough to have friends with vans?" And I know this because I was definitely thinking "Am I old enough to have a van?". It was a major turning point in my life (as if kid number 2 wasn't enough).  
Now my husband is a much different story...all he has ever wanted was a van. Actually, this van is his third van. He had two while in college....why he loves them so much, I could never figure out. 
Until now.
This mini-van is the best thing that has ever happened to this family. And I mean, we have got it going on...DVD players, seating for 8, towing package, rear air control, automatic sliding doors and almost 240,000 miles :) She is 10 years old and amazing. There are so many buttons and gadgets, I don't even think I have tried all of them...mostly because I am afraid one of them is OnStar.  I can take anything I want while traveling, and take the whole family plus more to dinner. I'm almost positive we could live in it and it would somehow cook us dinner. If you have ever considered getting a mini-van over an SUV, do it. You won't regret it. 

I hereby formally announce my resignation to the MAMV's. 
(Even though it is a little awkward when I pull up to the tanning bed in my van, something about that just doesn't feel right)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Home for the Holidays

It was amazing to be home for Christmas this year. It was so awesome to actually have every family member under the same roof for a whole day. This year, we had Christmas at my brother Lee's house and it was fantastic. We ate, and ate, and ate some more...opened presents (I got a new surgical stainless steel pot set and some other goodies) and just hung out and kept the boys occupied. My parents now have 5 grandsons, and 0 granddaughters. And Jude absolutely LOVES playing with his cousins. I've never seen anything like it, he laughs and screams and sings like I have never seen. Makes me wish we lived closer to everyone down south. But I sure do love my family up north. I guess we'll just have to keep traveling :)

Is it just me or did this Christmas just whiz by? Maybe its because we practically didn't even have a tree. I made a vow to Sam the other day...we will go over the top on decorations next year. We even hit up Cracker Barrel's half off sale for stockings and peppermint salt and pepper shakers. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Silver Boxes by Florence Littauer

My words were harsh & hasty
And they came without a thought.
Then I saw the pain & anguish
That my bitter words had brought.
Bitter words that I had spoken
Made me think back through the past;
Of how many times I'd uttered
Biting words whose pain would last.
Then I wondered of the people
I had hurt by things I'd said;
All the ones I had discouraged
When I didn't use my head.
Then I thought about my own life
Of painful words I've heard;
And of the times I'd been discouraged
By a sharp and cruel word.
And now clearly I remember
All the things I might have done;
But, by a word I was discouraged
And they never were begun.
So, help my words be silver boxes,
Neatly wrapped up with a bow;
That I give to all so freely,
As through each day I gladly go.
Silver boxes full of treasure,
Precious gifts from above;
That all the people I encounter
Might have a box of love 
Florence Littauer
This poem punched me right in the gut a few Saturdays ago at a women's breakfast held at our church.  All too many times I let my words go so freely without thought or care of what they might do.  Especially the part that says, "All the ones I had discouraged, When I didn't use my head". I want my life to be more of an encouragement to others than a hindrance, and so from now on I'm going to try to picture my words as little silver boxes full of treasure and positivity to give to everyone I encounter. I hope this poem has encouraged you in some way too. 
Happy Tuesday! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can you guess what we did last night?

Yes, we did the unthinkable last night. We chopped off Jude's precious rat tail. I guess Sam decided it finally had to go. Granted, now he looks a tad like Little Debbie, I'm sure it will grow in nicely :) Now I'm thinking of taking him and just getting him a good trim all around. I think he needs a few layers in the back. He still looks adorable, of course. It was a huge moment in the Anderson house, and yes, I had a minor anxiety attack afterwards. Jude is getting so big everyday...we say our ABC's and count to 5 but, I still I can't believe he got his first hair cut. Next thing I know I'll be walking him to school and helping him tie his shoes. Whew, not ready to think about that.
We love you Jude, our big boy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Video message from Santa, and how we feel about him.

Has anyone checked out I was first introduced to this site last year from my awesome sister, Sylvia. She made a video from Santa to my two nephews, Trevan and Samuel. Last year Jude was too young to enjoy one, and he probably is still a little too young this year, but I made him one anyways. When you enter the website you click "Start Here" to being to make your personalized video from Santa to your child. Most of these websites and videos are so cheesy, but this one is super cute (and a little humorous for us adults).  It will ask you questions about your child, such as, what special task have they been working on this year and what they asked Santa for Christmas. You can even upload pictures of them and special occasions that happened that year. Its fun to kids to think they've been "watched" by Santa all year. In the end, Santa's elves help decide if the child has been naughty or nice (which you pick for them) and Santa locates your city on a map. Its quite the ordeal or kids :) If you and your family choose to believe in Santa, or just like to play around and have fun with the idea of Santa, this is a super cute video to make and all sit down and watch together as a family. They run about 2-5 minutes long depending on the options you choose.
I know "Santa" is a controversial topic in the church world today. Christmas is a day for us to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And that will always be the meaning of Christmas, and our kids will know that. But as for our family, our kids aren't old enough yet to teach or not to teach about Santa...but overall I think we will believe in the giving spirit of Christmas, and to use Santa as a fun mascot to represent giving to others as well as receiving.

If anyone is interested in watching Jude's video from Santa, you can watch it here.

As far as Jude goes, this is his last memory of Santa...I'll be sure to post his newest encounter when we go next week. Cross your fingers.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DIY Tree Skirt

Anybody else mad at Target for having the cutest tree skirts for $30 BUCKS?? Yea, me too.
(Although Target is like teenage love, doesn't matter how mean they are you love them just the same)
Anyways, I found the cutest DIY tree skirt on The Paper Pony, you can find it here. But I love the cutesy curls and ribbon ties (and lets face it, the simplicity) of this one. And its fairly cheap to make.Here is a picture of her finished product. And you can use any colors you want of course.
Leave me a comment if any of you find any other cute DIY Christmas projects. I'm all about the cheap.
Enjoy and Happy Sunday!
 oh and,
2,267,727 seconds to Christmas!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We all knew my post had to be about Thanksgiving today right?

Today I want to read a part of Matthew about the security that we have in God, and how thankful I am to know that every second of every day, he is with me, taking care of me, loving me,  and providing for me.  Some days I let my entire day be ruined if Jude doesn't have the perfect outfit on to go to this event or the mall, or if I see paint chipped off the wall, by all means it has to be repainted THAT day. God, help me to CHECK myself. Wow, how unimportant are the things of this life. I feel stupid even typing the things I worry about day to day so I will spare you more examples :) Its so amazing to think of how much God loves us, and how much his will comes to pass in our lives if we just trust in him and find our security in him, not other things. Isn't that easy to do? Guilty as charged.

Matthew 6:24-35 
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
   “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Today I am thankful for the life God has given to me. 

Here are a few more things I am thankful for...there are so many more than just this!
(in no particular order, haha) 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Motherhood is...

Most of the time motherhood is,
But for today, motherhood is just
I love you Jude and Titus. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pick a side.

Team Edward.
Sorry, had to say it.
I know Jacobs is the "good guy"...but come on, Edward is the renaissance man! Granted, he is cold hearted, drinks blood and is uncomfortably awkward.
If I had to compare this movie it to any other movie I would have to compare it to 127 hours. Go see it and you'll know what I mean. I actually almost cried in this one. Bless Jacob's little heart. No wait, bless Sam's little heart for having to see it with me. We sat in between a row of middle school girls, and a row of "Team Jacob" moms.
Oh, and how about Bella's pregnant look? And I thought I looked bad pregnant! Take that Kristen Stewart.
Anyways, overall it was a good movie and if watched long enough you'll too want to become a, "media pressure" at its finest. How do they do it? Hide your teenage daughters!
Happy Sunday!
(How dare I watch Twilight on the Sabbath? Mom, don't judge me, I know how evil it is :) You know you want to. )

Friday, November 18, 2011

A few things I know for sure.

Here's a couple of things I know for sure:
Washing black sweaters with white towels is never, ever a good idea. Sorry Sam. 
Static will automatically make your hair look worse than when you left the house. Thanks Michigan.
Bibs are the downfall of cute baby outfits. Anyone else have the cutest baby outfit covered up by a hand-me-down bib that says "Weepublican"....yea, that's me.
My yoga pants out numbered my jeans today. This could potentially be a nasty wake up call, instead I think I'll embrace my new "yoga chic" wardrobe. This reminds me of a commerical...anyone seen it?
Yep, thats me...anyone with me?
Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Daddy Day Care

Today was daddy day care in the Anderson house. I took a part time job for the season working the Hickory Farms kiosk with some friends of mine. (Side note, never knew how amazing their cheese and sausage was. Did you?) So today was Sam's first day keeping both boys by himself for the day. I fully expected to come home with food all over the kitchen, a peanut butter stained toddler, and a poop filled baby. But to my surprise, I walked in to a kitchen that was literally sparkling, 4 loads of laundry folded and put away, chocolate chip muffins made from breakfast,  2 boys sleeping soundly, candles lit and music playing. Um, and he even hand washed my Vera Bradley bag...what?! So my attempt at showing Sam how hard my life is, well, failed. He is the best stay at home mom I've ever seen.
Sometimes I wonder if we should switch roles...
No way!
Happy Hump Day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Picture Day

It was picture day today in the Anderson household. I got both the boys dressed in matching outfits (not my favorite) and headed to Kiddie Kandids. I just wanted to get a cute shot of the boys together and order one of the 8 dollar packages with one pose.
Jude had something else in mind. Keep in mind that my toddler is BEYOND obsessed with anything trucks and the picture studio is inside of Toys R Us. Not the best judgement call on my part.

Jude could not focus because of all the trucks this is what we got. And in case you were wondering, no I did not order the first picture, it is for your entertainment only. Yes, I did order the one below it :) Titus was all smiles. Happy Monday!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things that stress me out.

At least once a week, I think to myself, and sometimes out loud to my husband, "man, I should blog that!" so, I am.
This one is about some of the things that stress me out.
At the top of the list is Pinterest....gasp, I know. Take it in...Now for all you "pinners" don't get me wrong, this post is about envying you, not dissing you. You are insanely creative and I love you for it. But...Yes, I get anxious at the thought of "pinning". I tried it, retried it again. I even have that cute little "Pin It" bookmark at the top of my browser. If icons could gather dust, that one would have my swiffer duster all over it.
I don't know why I feel this way, there is something overwhelming to me and the ocd part of my brain about organizing my googling. Also, a big part of this anxiety towards Pinterest is creativity overload. Do you ever see other moms blogs (yes, Jessica Melendez, I am talking to you) or other moms birthday pictures, baby month to month pictures, professional family pictures that make you insanely jealous? Other mom's creativity drives me nuts!
Pinterest is the pinnacle of creativity! And I cannot take it.
I'm sorry. I had to get it out.
On a lighter note, feel comforted by this picture, and that yes, I too, do not have enough hours in the day to plan creative outings for my kids, bake holiday themed cookies, have amazing Pinterest boards AND I have to hold my kids heads for them to EVEN take a picture.
Happy Sunday!