Friday, December 30, 2011


Moms Against Mini-Vans, I used to be a founding member.

If any of you know me well enough, you know I never, ever wanted to have I thought if I ever had 2 kids, I would just have 2 car seats in a row in a regular car, or if I had more I thought I would just go grab a brand new Tahoe whenever I needed one. I can just hear Sam laughing out loud as I type at the thought of that one. These are two of many misconceptions of people without kids. Granted, I do know families that can make a regular car work. But if your anything like our family, two car seats, a double stroller, 4 suitcases, 2 pack and plays and enough diapers to patch the Hoover Dam, just don't quite fit in the trunk on a road trip. So in a recent month of alot of traveling, and despite my pleads of an SUV (gas would have killed our Dave Ramsey abiding budget), Sam and I were forced 
I almost couldn't even admit it to my bf Jessica, who if I remember correctly responded with some sort of "Amber, oh no". Partially because she knows how much I didn't want one and partially because she was probably thinking, "Am I old enough to have friends with vans?" And I know this because I was definitely thinking "Am I old enough to have a van?". It was a major turning point in my life (as if kid number 2 wasn't enough).  
Now my husband is a much different story...all he has ever wanted was a van. Actually, this van is his third van. He had two while in college....why he loves them so much, I could never figure out. 
Until now.
This mini-van is the best thing that has ever happened to this family. And I mean, we have got it going on...DVD players, seating for 8, towing package, rear air control, automatic sliding doors and almost 240,000 miles :) She is 10 years old and amazing. There are so many buttons and gadgets, I don't even think I have tried all of them...mostly because I am afraid one of them is OnStar.  I can take anything I want while traveling, and take the whole family plus more to dinner. I'm almost positive we could live in it and it would somehow cook us dinner. If you have ever considered getting a mini-van over an SUV, do it. You won't regret it. 

I hereby formally announce my resignation to the MAMV's. 
(Even though it is a little awkward when I pull up to the tanning bed in my van, something about that just doesn't feel right)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Home for the Holidays

It was amazing to be home for Christmas this year. It was so awesome to actually have every family member under the same roof for a whole day. This year, we had Christmas at my brother Lee's house and it was fantastic. We ate, and ate, and ate some more...opened presents (I got a new surgical stainless steel pot set and some other goodies) and just hung out and kept the boys occupied. My parents now have 5 grandsons, and 0 granddaughters. And Jude absolutely LOVES playing with his cousins. I've never seen anything like it, he laughs and screams and sings like I have never seen. Makes me wish we lived closer to everyone down south. But I sure do love my family up north. I guess we'll just have to keep traveling :)

Is it just me or did this Christmas just whiz by? Maybe its because we practically didn't even have a tree. I made a vow to Sam the other day...we will go over the top on decorations next year. We even hit up Cracker Barrel's half off sale for stockings and peppermint salt and pepper shakers. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Silver Boxes by Florence Littauer

My words were harsh & hasty
And they came without a thought.
Then I saw the pain & anguish
That my bitter words had brought.
Bitter words that I had spoken
Made me think back through the past;
Of how many times I'd uttered
Biting words whose pain would last.
Then I wondered of the people
I had hurt by things I'd said;
All the ones I had discouraged
When I didn't use my head.
Then I thought about my own life
Of painful words I've heard;
And of the times I'd been discouraged
By a sharp and cruel word.
And now clearly I remember
All the things I might have done;
But, by a word I was discouraged
And they never were begun.
So, help my words be silver boxes,
Neatly wrapped up with a bow;
That I give to all so freely,
As through each day I gladly go.
Silver boxes full of treasure,
Precious gifts from above;
That all the people I encounter
Might have a box of love 
Florence Littauer
This poem punched me right in the gut a few Saturdays ago at a women's breakfast held at our church.  All too many times I let my words go so freely without thought or care of what they might do.  Especially the part that says, "All the ones I had discouraged, When I didn't use my head". I want my life to be more of an encouragement to others than a hindrance, and so from now on I'm going to try to picture my words as little silver boxes full of treasure and positivity to give to everyone I encounter. I hope this poem has encouraged you in some way too. 
Happy Tuesday! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can you guess what we did last night?

Yes, we did the unthinkable last night. We chopped off Jude's precious rat tail. I guess Sam decided it finally had to go. Granted, now he looks a tad like Little Debbie, I'm sure it will grow in nicely :) Now I'm thinking of taking him and just getting him a good trim all around. I think he needs a few layers in the back. He still looks adorable, of course. It was a huge moment in the Anderson house, and yes, I had a minor anxiety attack afterwards. Jude is getting so big everyday...we say our ABC's and count to 5 but, I still I can't believe he got his first hair cut. Next thing I know I'll be walking him to school and helping him tie his shoes. Whew, not ready to think about that.
We love you Jude, our big boy.