Monday, January 9, 2012

Meet Titus Wynn Anderson

If any of you have 2 or more kids, you know that baby #2 just doesn't quite get the same hoopla as baby #1, from friends, family, and unfortunately sometimes, you. With Jude, I ironed every single one of his outfits, washed his sheets every other day, organized his clothes by occasion, and the list goes on and on. Poor little Titus, he's lucky if he even gets a new outfit on after spitting up. His clothes are all over the house, and bless his heart, he NEVER matches. This absolutely drives me crazy, and literally brings me to tears sometimes. If your like me you want everything to be exactly fair on all accounts, right down to how much time you spent breastfeeding. And to be honest, Titus got a little more in that department due to Judes lactose intolerance (sorry guys who may be reading). I feel proud of the fact that Titus even got a baby book. But for the life of me, I just cannot spend as much time on the details as I use to. 
So on that note, I'm taking this time today to introduce you to little brother, and current red-head, Titus Wynn Anderson. He loves the rocking chair, and long walks around the block. He is a fan of the Rainforest Swing and spends most of his day in the Bumbo seat. He loves his sleep and prefers Adele and Christmas music, but any music will do. If you wanna get this little guy real upset, just put him down or stop giving him attention...its game over. And just flash him a smile and he is all yours. But his favorite person of them all is big brother Jude. He'll drop you like a bad habit if Jude is around. There is so much more to this little chunk, but he'll have to get a little bit older to figure that all out.

Welcome to this crazy family Titus. We already know you fit right in, perfectly. 


  1. This is precious! Amber you are a great mom! I know you love your children, and dont you worry. Titus wont even know the difference of how you did things with Jude vs. him. I love you sweet friend, and I love reading your blogs! Keep them coming!
