Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things that stress me out.

At least once a week, I think to myself, and sometimes out loud to my husband, "man, I should blog that!" so, I am.
This one is about some of the things that stress me out.
At the top of the list is Pinterest....gasp, I know. Take it in...Now for all you "pinners" don't get me wrong, this post is about envying you, not dissing you. You are insanely creative and I love you for it. But...Yes, I get anxious at the thought of "pinning". I tried it, retried it again. I even have that cute little "Pin It" bookmark at the top of my browser. If icons could gather dust, that one would have my swiffer duster all over it.
I don't know why I feel this way, there is something overwhelming to me and the ocd part of my brain about organizing my googling. Also, a big part of this anxiety towards Pinterest is creativity overload. Do you ever see other moms blogs (yes, Jessica Melendez, I am talking to you) or other moms birthday pictures, baby month to month pictures, professional family pictures that make you insanely jealous? Other mom's creativity drives me nuts!
Pinterest is the pinnacle of creativity! And I cannot take it.
I'm sorry. I had to get it out.
On a lighter note, feel comforted by this picture, and that yes, I too, do not have enough hours in the day to plan creative outings for my kids, bake holiday themed cookies, have amazing Pinterest boards AND I have to hold my kids heads for them to EVEN take a picture.
Happy Sunday!


  1. Amber! I love you for your honesty! I was laughing through basically the entire thing. -Jimmy Simpson

    I totally cracked up when I read this cause I think the same things when I see all those look-so-easy-but-impossible-to-do crafts :) Hope you're doing well! -Hannah Simpson

  2. laughed out loud reading this! Great post :)
