Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Holy Hardwood!

I got the notion while I was in Tennessee, that when I got back home, the nasty carpet in our house had to go. I also discovered while in Tennessee I picked up some old habits like using words such as..y'all, notion, yonder, and sweetie pie. And Jude picked up making 1 syllable words into 3 syllable words, such as, "I want dow-wa-na", formally known as "down". I think it's kinda cute. :)
I've been at war with these floors every since we moved in. If any of you hang out at my house, you know how much I hated the endless carpet that is throughout it. It is impossible to keep clean with 3 boys and a dog, and frankly sometimes I felt like we were living on an old dirty sponge. We have 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, a den/playroom, 1 staircase and 2 hallways...all of which are an endless sea of carpet.
So yesterday after church Sam and I decided to measure out our 2 living rooms to price some nice laminate, just to get rid of the carpet in our main hang out areas.  We couldn't afford much, but we knew we had to do something. As we were measuring Sam decided to cut out a corner in the carpet to see what was underneath...low and behold, HARDWOOD floors. Beautiful oak hardwood floors. Ok, technically they could be beautiful, and hopefully will be. Right now they look a little...sad. So immediately we go to every room in the house to see what all is hardwood. Living room, check. Hallway, check. Bedroom, check. Stairs, check. We were beyond excited. So excited that Sam pulled up the carpet in our main living room...right then. Can't say that was a great idea, but oh well.
We decided to only pull up the living room, hallway and bedroom to refinish the hardwood floors. Hopefully we are sanding, staining and finishing within the next few weeks. I am so excited I had to write a post..and to keep track of our progress. We haven't decided if we are going to take on this project ourselves, or hire out. Here's our starting point, please let me know if you have any good tips/suggestions/ideas!

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