Friday, May 18, 2012

DIY Snack Tray

If any of you are like me, you have a constant flow of crumbs surrounding your couches and rugs. In my case, I pretty much let Jude eat whatever, whenever and where ever he wants. Mostly because he never wants to eat, so when he does, I happily oblige. So with him, I decided to come up with something that he could sit with and end and not have to be sitting at a table (which is a struggle all of its own). I even sell these on my Etsy if your interested in all fun no work.

What you need:
Tray (I got a cheap tray from Ikea, around 8 bucks)
Paint (I always shop the oops paint at Home Depot, a small jar is .50!)
Mod Podge
Foam brush
Polyurethane/Clear coat
You do NOT need tape (sorry, I have it pictured) 

1.  Lay out your fabric over the tray, do a quick trace around the bottom edge so you'll know where to cut. As you can see, mine did not turn out perfect..don't sweat it!

 2. Paint around the entire upper part of the tray. In the picture, I have the tray taped off BUT you do not need to do this. I found out afterwards that since my fabric did not fit exact, it looks better if you paint around the base of the tray also. (See picture in Step 3)

 3. After the paint is COMPLETELY dry, pour Mod Podge onto the tray and completely cover over the entire base with a foam brush. Lay fabric back down and smooth out with your hands until it is completely stuck to tray.

4. After the fabric and Mod Podge is hardened and dry, add more Mod Podge to the top of the fabric. Coat and smooth over with foam brush.

 5. After its completely dry you can spray the whole thing with a clear coat spray, or you can brush on a polyurethane coat. Whatever you think with be easiest to clean. 

Here is my finished product, I would love to see yours! I'm excited to be doing another one for my outside set to take lunch back and forth from the house. I'll be doing a sneak peek of the yard soon! :)

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