Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 ways

In lieu of yesterdays rather gloomy post, I thought I would post something more positive today, and something that really encourages me. Have you ever gone to a church event and gotten a (sometimes cheesy) bookmark or tract? Well I was recently digging, or as my parents like to call it, shopping through my parents garage, (with my parents being in the ministry for 30+ years, they are bound to have an abundance of church paraphernalia) and I found a bookmark of sorts on 10 Ways To Be A Great Parent. Although this piece is got some interesting clip-art and was made by a company called "Positive Promotions" this thing and its contents are pure gold in my opinion. I have it hanging on my fridge to see, read and remember every single morning. So I thought I would share them with you. They are so simple, so cliche, so easy. But sometimes, they can really fall through the cracks if you aren't reminded.

10 Ways To Be A Great Parent
1. Be a good role model. Your child learns from the example you set.
2. Show respect for your child's feelings, thoughts, and suggestions.
3. Make your child feel loved with your words of praise, and your hugs and kisses.
4. Keep your word. If you must break it, apologize and make it up to your child.
5. Encourage your child's creativity. Ask questions to stimulate curiosity and imagination.
6. Build your child's self esteem by showing appreciation for all genuine efforts.
7. Stay involved. Know what's going on in your child's life, both at school and with friends.
8. Discipline your child fairly, firmly, and with love. Focus on the behavior not the child. (I love that one) 
9. Establish family traditions and make time to do fun things together.
10. Think positively. By expecting the best, you empower yourself and your child to solve problems and achieve goals.
Remember- Being a great parent takes time, effort, and the ability to lighten up! 

Maybe you didn't love that as much as I did, but hopefully you did. It really has changed my parenting on a daily basis.
Oh and I'm giving you a sneak peek for your viewing pleasure :)

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