Tuesday, April 3, 2012

DIY Stencil (and our finished record player!)

It all started one day when I overheard someone talking about a record player.
I decided I had to have one in our reading room, since we had recently decided to get rid of our mammoth flat screen to spend more time as a family. Then it turned into an all out man hunt via Sam Anderson to find a record player at a thrift store. After a decent player was purchased, then came the immediate need for something cool to put it on. I think that's when I posted this post. I was pretty obsessed with that purple color. Anyways, finally one day we found an old record player chest type thing that had been basically gutted, score! So Sam re-built the shelf to hold the player, and voila, our new form of entertainment.
And of course you know what comes next.
You guys knew I couldn't let that 1960's wood grain go in my house, didn't you?
So I set out to paint it the purple color I wanted, with plans to do some crackle paint on top of it. Needless to say, my crackle paint was AWFUL, so I was stuck with this big purple box in my reading room. Something needed to be done and I remembered a cool doily craft I saw on Pinterest. I finally found a doily that I liked and realized to spray paint through a flimsy doily was alot easier in concept.  So I sat down and decided to turn the doily into a stencil. And it worked! Beautifully!

Here's how:
1. Spray paint your doily onto a plain piece of paper, use an exacto knife to cut out the stencil. I used black spray paint so you could see what to cut and what not to. I got a little tired of cutting out all those circles, so I started to make my own design by the end of it :) 

2. Using the stencil you made, spray paint onto whatever you want! It always turns out really cool, even if it isn't perfect.

 Here is how mine turned out. Like it? I used some fun twine knobs I found at Hobby Lobby. Sam calls them hemp necklace knobs circa 2002. But whatever, I think they are cute. They match my sweet little twine mason jars. (You can find that DIY here.)

It's so nice to have a home made piece! We are loving listening to the Beatles by day and James Taylor by night. Our hunt for the perfect record player may be done, but to Sam, the hunt for awesome vinyls, will never stop. (Great.)

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